Follow-Up Professional Learning Sessions

Follow-up professional development can focus on any of the following topics:

  • assessment usage including screening, interim, and diagnostic

  • explicit and systematic instruction

  • guided release of instruction

  • strategies for teaching struggling and advanced readers

  • effective writing instruction

  • classroom management techniques

  • reading instruction in the content areas

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Charles Dana Hall
Scientifically-Based Reading Research

Scientifically-based Reading Research (SBRR) forms the foundation of Sterling Literacy Consulting’s beliefs and instructional practices. We provide an in-depth presentation that unpacks the five components of reading, which are used to systematically guide our discussions of data analysis, as well as whole and small group instructional recommendations.

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Charles Dana Hall
Five Components of Reading

SLC provides in-depth and engaging learning sessions on instructional practices to support all components of SBRR. What follows is an overview of the components SBRR routinely addressed during SLC PD sessions:

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Charles Dana Hall