Literacy Leadership: Effective Classroom Observations and Teacher Feedback

SLC facilitators support instructional leaders in the coaching and calibration of effective classroom observations and teacher feedback that strengthens instructional practices, teacher reflection, and implementation of new learning. Foundational learning sessions focus on the necessary skills and practices that support quality classroom observations, help develop effective feedback, and enhance teacher reflection and practice. Participants will be able to do the following as a result of this session: 1) develop criteria for effective feedback and understand the underlying purpose for providing teachers with feedback, 2) work with teachers to develop instructional goals based on teacher needs, 3) develop effective methods for taking notes during classroom observations, 4) take descriptive notes and provide manageable and effective feedback to teachers, 5) develop ‘noticings and wonderings’ that promote teacher reflection and action, and 6) use coaching moves to support reflective conversations.

Charles Dana Hall