Sterling Literacy Consulting is now partnering with an effective and innovative curriculum organization — Inquiry By Design.

Inquiry By Design is committed to student-driven literacy marked by the reading, writing about, and discussion of content-rich, culturally relevant, complex texts. They firmly believe that all students deserve equitable access to a rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum. Inquiry By Design’s unique, inquiry-based curriculum is seamlessly integrated with transformative professional development—a pairing we believe is key to reigniting teacher passion, engaging students, changing classroom culture, and raising expectations. The end result is a vibrant, student-centered learning environment supported by a collaborative community of educators.

If you are interested in finding out more about Inquiry By Design’s curricular offerings for English Language Arts, grades 3 - 5, contact us.

Or, visit Inquiry By Design’s website.

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Charles Dana Hall
Sterling Literacy Consulting - an Approved Implementation Consultant for Colorado Department of Education’s Early Literacy Grants

DENVER, Colorado, January 15, 2019.  Sterling Literacy Consulting (SLC) will continue to be an approved provider for schools and districts seeking early literacy grants through the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). For more information about the grant, please refer to the CDE website.

SLC works to customize professional learning and system-wide support for early literacy grantees by providing the following services:

  • Support for school leadership teams,

  • Professional learning sessions and one-on-one coaching that increasing administrator and teacher knowledge and skills around scientifically based reading instruction,

  • Developing systems of support for all students,

  • Providing interactive and research-based professional development,

  • Progress monitoring of the implementation of new learning,

  • Providing tools to support clear and consistent implementation of new learning, and

  • Developing internal coherence and capacity so that the work and instructional improvements continue far beyond partnerships with a schools or districts.

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Charles Dana Hall
PRESS RELEASE: K-3 Literacy Levels Rising in Weld Re-8 District After Partnering with Sterling Literacy Consulting

DENVER, Feb. 6, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- In a district-wide effort to boost teachers' reading instructional skills, Weld Re-8 reached out to Sterling Literacy Consulting (SLC) for support. After 6 months of collaborative work, SLC and representatives from across the Weld Re-8 schools developed the district's new strategic literacy plan.

Just one semester into implementing the contextualized literacy plan, stakeholders at all levels have been impressed with their progress. In Fall 2017, 20.6% of Weld Re-8's K-3 students were in the 'on grade level' range on iReady, one of the state's approved screening and diagnostic assessments (95% of students assessed). According to the most recent Mid-Year data, 44.9% of Weld Re-8's K-3 students are now in the 'on grade level' range on iReady. This equates to an additional 160 students that moved (from Below Level or Emerging) to within the 'on grade level' range (On level or Above) from Fall to Mid-Year.  While more work remains, these initial results are incredibly encouraging, and demonstrate the early effectiveness of the partnership between Weld Re-8 and SLC.

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Charles Dana Hall